The Architectural Drawing Prize

  • Category: Events
  • Date Published: 22nd February 2024
With nearly 250 drawings from around the world housed inside the iconic home turned museum of Sir John Soane, the ‘Architecture drawing prize’ exhibit explores an interesting commentary on the future of architecture as a practice and its history.

This celebration of the art of drawing is divided into three categories: hand-drawn, digital and hybrid. Attracting a record number of entries – nearly 250 – from around the world, most of these are hand-drawn with a wide range of styles, techniques and aesthetics.

A well deserving winner of the ‘Hand-Drawn’ category is Ben Johnson with his submission Grundtvig, 2017-2022 depicts Grundtvig’s Church in Copenhagen. Celebrating not only the architect’s vision but also the craftsmenship involved in building the church, Johnson’s detailed drawing was created following hours of studying both the building and the original architec’ts drawings.

Eldry John Infante’s submission (Re)membering the See Monster, 2023 combines both hand drawn and digital in an interesting expression of how old and new skills can come together. The artist’s concept is heavily focused on creating discussions around what makes a structure a structure as well as exploring storytelling through drawing.