Magdalena Bartocha
- Title: Senior Architect
- Background: MSc Eng Arch | mgr inż arch. IARP
- Email:
- Telephone: 020 7556 1683
Magda is a valuable member of staff providing expertise in design and delivery across all building types, from feasibility study to completion, for both UK and Polish based projects.
Her recent experience includes residential developments such as Woodberry Down Phase 3, Malt Street Regeneration and Clapham Southside which occupies a tight industrial site. She also has experience of major regeneration projects such as Colosseum Retail Park and New Cross Gate Regeneration in Southwark.
In Poland, Magda’s work includes the high-profile schemes Proximo I and Proximo II which are new contemporary office buildings for major international developer. Outside of the office, Magda is responsible for the legal and sustainability parts of the guide to best practice in the design and specification for offices “Modern Office Standards Poland”.
Magda studied Architecture and Urban Planning at the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice, Poland. She qualified in 2001 gaining Master of Science in Architecture degree. In 2006 she completed post-graduate studies in Urban Planning and Spatial Development at the Katowice School of Technology.