Claire Clark
- Title: Associate Director
- Background: BSc(Hons) MSc MRTPI
- Email:
- Telephone: 020 7556 1575
Claire is an Associate Director at Rolfe Judd Planning and has extensive experience working on a wide range of complex projects within Central and outer London Boroughs.
Claire’s expertise primarily lies in mixed-use redevelopment schemes comprising residential and commercial elements. Claire has in depth experience advising clients on the potential of individual properties and estate portfolios providing advice on listed building issues, planning law and enforcement and requirements of strategic and local planning policy.
Claire recently secured the redevelopment of multiple commercial buildings within Westminster for the Berners-Allsopp Estate, the regeneration of Harlow Town Centre for Addington Capital and The Filaments/Bronze redevelopment for Workspace within Wandsworth. Claire is currently engaged in a number of industrial and residential estate regeneration schemes within Hackney and Wandsworth.
Claire joined Rolfe Judd in 2005 after graduating with a Masters in City and Regional Planning at the University of Wales Cardiff and a Geography degree in the University of Wales Swansea. She is a member of the Royal Town Planning Institute.