• Client: HCA International Ltd
  • Architect: Sonnemann Toon
  • Contacts: Jan Donovan
  • LPA: City of Westminster
Rolfe Judd Planning has secured full planning permission and listed building consent for internal alterations to allow for the delivery and operation of a new, state of the art MR Linac scanner at 79-81 Harley Street, with associated items of external plant.

The  works will ensure the development can be brought forwards with the required mechanical coordination in place, whilst protecting the amenity of nearby residents and ensuring works are undertaken in a sensitive manner in the context of the listed building.

The property is within the Harley Street Conservation Area and is Grade II listed. Significant internal demolition works at basement level were required to facilitate the installation of a new shielded bunker for the MR Linac machine to operate safely. The bunker features 400mm thick lead shielding on all sides and sits below the original, historic timber joists which will remain untouched.

The scheme also includes for external alterations, including a new quench pipe terminating at roof level, new air handling units and chillers, acoustic shielding, and the temporary removal of a skylight to allow for delivery of large equipment into the basement. The scheme will allow for new, world-class medical diagnostic and treatment equipment to operate within the constrained nature of Harley Street – continuing HCA’s ongoing excellent standard of cancer care.

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