Malt Street
- Client: Berkeley Homes
- Architect: Rolfe Judd Architecture
- Contacts: Sean Tickle, Tom Lawson
- LPA: London Borough of Southwark
The proposal provides a mixed used development of high-quality design that incorporates up to 1,300 dwellings and up to 7,000sqm of non-residential floorspace within an attractive and inclusive environment, maximising the use of this allocated site (Site Allocation OKR 14) in the Old Kent Road Area Action Plan (DOKR AAP).
The scheme represents a necessary and positive change aiming to meet the ambitious housing delivery targets of the Council’s Local Plan of achieving 27,362 homes by 2025 and the emerging DOKR AAP which seeks 20,000 new homes in the Opportunity Area by 2036. In addition, the scheme delivers a range of new jobs opportunities to substantially increase the provision of employment on the site helping the Council meet its ambitious target in the OKR AAP of 5,000 new jobs.
The scheme is a genuine mixed use development which will deliver major benefits for the Borough as well as being the first major mixed use scheme in the Opportunity Area. In addition to the residential element, a substantial provision of commercial and employment space will be provided.

The scheme has evolved through close consultation with the Council, as Local Planning Authority, the GLA, TfL, the local community, as well as other stakeholders. The design process has resulted in a scheme that provides exemplary business and retail accommodation, high quality residential homes, and a significant enhancement to the appearance and character of the local street scenes and wider fabric of the area.