Holiday Inn Express Redevelopment

Redevelopment of the existing Holiday Inn Express in North Acton into a mixed use scheme.
It will deliver 699 purpose built student accommodation beds and 91 build to rent units along with commercial / retail units, amenity space, public realm improvements, hard and soft landscaping.

The scheme will be delivered on an underutilised site in an area supported by excellent public transport connections, on a major road, and located close to local amenities. Public realm improvements are proposed which will greatly improve the interface with the newly completed Station Square, Victoria Road, and tie into the Local Authority’s aspirations to upgrade North Acton Underground Station.

Two towers with a unifying platform are proposed, which sits comfortably in the emerging character of the area. The materiality of each demise has been carefully considered with robust natural materials for the residential tower and a more slender glass and anodized aluminium tower for student accommodation. It also provides high quality active frontages to the existing public realm with opportunities for retail units to spill into the square and surrounds.

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